You know what? People are ASSES! Pardon my language but I just received about 30 emails to my account from the infamous "mailer daemon" that I'm sending out SPAM??? REALLY? That's news to me. Some jerk with a web crawler (thank my husband that I even know the term) picked up my address and decided to use it to send their junk. I am soooooo on an anti-people kick right now for several reasons and this just adds to my belief that we HAVE to stop over populating our planet with stupid, malicious, and just plain mean people. I mean really, what happened to natural selection? Darwin had it right except the fact that our species encourages stupidity. We bitch and bitch about Illegal aliens "taking our jobs" when if you look at corporate America and you realize that we don't need them to take our jobs, we're sending the jobs to them! Shit, they don't even need to leave their own country any more to have our jobs. Outsourcing? Who's brilliant idea was that? GAS PRICES... OOHHH MY GOD... GAS PRICES. Idaho has has the nation lows on gas prices, for that I feel a little lucky. I work for a major fuel company as low man on the totem poll and do you realize that their stocks DOUBLED last year. DOUBLED!!! Do you know where that money goes??? It sure as hell doesn't trickle down the ladder. nope... it stays right at the top while the base line employees, the ones who deal directly with the people buying their product, get screwed. Little by little they take things away. When I started 10 years ago we got little things, stock options, christmas party, decent benefits, a little bonus hear and there, free meal on shift, if you didn't take benefits you got 60% flex dollars, so on so forth. Now? NOTHING but a paycheck and shitty benefits. We don't even get a turkey for Thanksgiving any more. And they want to micro-manage. They give you less and less and want you to work more and more. The bosses come in and they tell you what you want to hear but eveybody knows they are sitting in their cushy little corporate offices and writing all these "rules" that are sooooo unrealistic. What happend to working your way up the ladder?
WOW, I feel somewhat better. A little. Maybe if I wasn't working so much I could actually do some crocheting to write about huh?