It's a Crochet Thing


Monday, June 26, 2006

quick note of interest

just a quickie ;-), NOT THAT KIND! Ran across an informative article called The truth about housework and motherhood by Cathy Sherry. It's certainly true for me.

all work no play

I bought a Black & Decker Home Cafe last year. You know the one cup coffee pod thingy? You get a hot fresh cup of coffee in no time. Of course, I bought it and then 2 weeks later the price is cut in half. Go figure. I digress... The reason it probably ended up half off was because there was issues (like I have, but different) with the coffee pod holder breaking. ANYWAY... instead of just buying a new pod holder I went out the other day and bought the NEW AND IMPROVED Black & Decker Home Cafe. Gotta say, it's most definitely "improved". I can put my taller mugs in it, it has a "clean" option, push close instead of twist. The pods are a bit pricey and if your like me, you'll use 2 pods each time (just for the extra little umph). And who says french vanilla creamer isn't the shit? I'm addicted.

I GOT A NEW TO ME CAR!!!! I'm soooooooo excited. I got a 2003 Chevy Impala. Fully loaded, white, leg room for the 3 seat kickers in the back. It's a beautiful car. Wish I would have had it a few weeks ago when we went to Vegas.

yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah.
Husband: ZZZZZZzzzzzz

Guess I'll feed the monsters, I already smell like a french fry from work, like I REALLY want to go look at my own damn kitchen which has been patiently waiting for me to come clean it I think.

Friday, June 23, 2006

book vs. street smarts

I remember doing a paper in college about what we thought was "intelligent". I'm wondering what you think.

Does either book smarts or street smarts have an advantage over the other or does a balance between the two bring out a more rounded person?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Finished at last! Isn't it PURDY!?!
Just started ANTOTHER purse. It's the Exchange Purse out of HAPPY HOOKER. I'm just using left over nylon from the chevron bag I made a while back.

FREE PUPPIES AND KITTENS! The whores anyway. Both my border collie and my witchy kitty are preggo, HUGE PREGGO. They lay next to each other in their misery, looking at me patheticaly out of sleepless bloodshot eyes. "WHY ME?" they scream. "BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE A FENCED YARD" I scream back. AAAAUUUUUGGGGG.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


OK, so I'm doing my blog browsing and run to one of my fav's COFFEE CROCHET where she has her friend of a friend friday post, so I browse through those and run across THIS POST on a blog called Honestyrain. Honesty sometimes hurts doesn't it?

I'm almost done with my hobo bag using FABLE that I bought in Vegas. It's turning out much better than expected. I'll post pix in the next few days.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

4 wheelin'

This is why I love living in the middle of nowhere! Spent all day today out on the trails in the mountains not 15 miles from my house. There are miles and miles of BLM/Forrest Service boundry trails for all sorts of off-roading in the mountains close by. Family, fresh air, MUD! The kids love it, pack a lunch and alot of water. This picture is of my husband and I just after a monster mud puddle.

There were quite a few of us and I was the only female of the bunch. Times like these I wish I could pee standing up.

Worth the sunburn and digging dirt out of my ears for a week.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Home at last

Well, I'm glad to be home but I'm most definately not looking forward to going back to work tomarrow. I did some crocheting while I was there. Looking for yarn stores I found Gail's Knits, mentioned crochet and almost got hit by an upturning nose. Anyway, I did buy a couple rolls of yarn while I was in there. With the 2 hanks of FUN by Cascade yarns I made this cute little drawstring bag. I'm not sure I liked this yarn. It has a rough texture and takes on a hempish look.

I also got 2 balls of BELLA COLOUR by Plymouth Yarn. I LOVE THIS YARN. I so should have picked up more. I mad these two skull caps.

With some of my Peaches and Cream stash that I took with me i made this hand towel and scrubby.

On my last day there I found TWO CRAZY LADIES YARN. If you are ever in Vegas I recommend you go visit. Extremely nice, great selection, very helpful, and full of great ideas. I walked in the door and the first thing they told me was "everything is 40% or more off" YIPPIE!!! I got 3 hanks of FABLE by Artful Yarns.

AANNNNDDD 3 balls of SUEDE TRI-COLOR by Berroco. I want to make some bags I think. I have been searching through all of my pattern books and magazines for the perfect bags... I can not for the life of me find any that jump out at me.

When I got home guess what was in the mail. My new crochet hook case from CrippenWorks. OOOOOOH I LOVE IT. It came very fast.

You have to love froggies!

I wanted to mention another hilarious blog that I've run across. It's called If your browsing check it out. It's classic what NOT to do.

Friday, June 02, 2006

In Vegas

Well, i'm going to find a yarn store, there are some on Sahara that I'm going to check out. It's 100+ here in Vegas and I'm burning up. I've don 13 rows on the filet christening gown, it's a pain and i'm afraid it's going to become another U.F.O. :( Oh well. I've decided just to work on easy stuff like dish clothes while i'm here for now. It's relax time.

Visit Annie's Attic for crochet & plastic canvas!