It's a Crochet Thing


Monday, July 17, 2006

New business venture

Well, I'm taking the big leap. My last day at my job is the 5th of August. Do I have a backup plan... kindof... sortof... in a round about sort of way. My mother and I just leased a small cafe in Pocatello! It's perfect, not a fryer in the joint. Beautiful area in old-town. Hopefully we can keep our overhead down and profits up!

Work and everything else has kept me hopping, I haven't had much time to crochet. Soon though, The station that the cafe is in is only open from 8am-6pm so we have to be out by then, closed on sundays and holidays. How wonderful will it be!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

puppies and kittens

Well, they are here, all 15 of 'em. On July 5th we became the proud grandparents of 11 puppies (not even her biggest litter) and 4 kittens. SAME DAY. Now we are positive of the paternity of the k9 offspring, our neighborhood brindled bull dog. Two look just like him. The sperm donor for the kittens will probably never be know without extensive DNA testing. They are all ADORABLE and if you want one... PLEASE TAKE ONE!!!

Just a side note, while I was writing this I talked to my best friend and SHE'S GOING TO HAVE A BABY! Good luck Heather... we love you!!! I knew I started crocheting a christening gown for a reason! (now hopefully it's a girl.)

Visit Annie's Attic for crochet & plastic canvas!