all work no play
I bought a Black & Decker Home Cafe last year. You know the one cup coffee pod thingy? You get a hot fresh cup of coffee in no time. Of course, I bought it and then 2 weeks later the price is cut in half. Go figure. I digress... The reason it probably ended up half off was because there was issues (like I have, but different) with the coffee pod holder breaking. ANYWAY... instead of just buying a new pod holder I went out the other day and bought the NEW AND IMPROVED Black & Decker Home Cafe. Gotta say, it's most definitely "improved". I can put my taller mugs in it, it has a "clean" option, push close instead of twist. The pods are a bit pricey and if your like me, you'll use 2 pods each time (just for the extra little umph). And who says french vanilla creamer isn't the shit? I'm addicted.
I GOT A NEW TO ME CAR!!!! I'm soooooooo excited. I got a 2003 Chevy Impala. Fully loaded, white, leg room for the 3 seat kickers in the back. It's a beautiful car. Wish I would have had it a few weeks ago when we went to Vegas.
yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah.
Husband: ZZZZZZzzzzzz
Guess I'll feed the monsters, I already smell like a french fry from work, like I REALLY want to go look at my own damn kitchen which has been patiently waiting for me to come clean it I think.
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