Saturday, November 25, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
electronics part duh?
Just an update on the devil electronics...
*laptop still not fixed (still contemplating throwing it out window)
*got a new phone (thanx luv!)
*mp3 player working GREAT
*keyboard stopped working for no apparent reason on desktop!
so I "borrowed" the keyboard for an extended period from the kidz computer (sorry kidz)
But on a lighter note! I did get the kids' hats finished for winter. I spent all day Sunday crocheting winter hats for the three munchkins... with ear flaps of course. The 2 yr. old runs around yelling "MY HAT? MY HAT?" when we get ready to go out the door. And I didn't finish a moment too soon. We had SNOW Monday... yuck, I'm not at all ready for winter. It can stay on the ski slopes where I am NOT.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
electronics from hell
They say that problems come in threes. I think "they" are on to something here. First... while bringing in stuff from the car, my 2 yr. old spills my ever present cup of coffee on my cell phone. After letting it dry for hours it finaly decides I've suffered enough and is going to turn on again... but now it makes an odd crackling noise anytime a button is pushed, can't be good.
THEN my friend got her daughter an Ipod Nano for her birthday, they bring it to my house so that I can show her how to hook everything up and show her how to use it and give her some of my music... damn thing would not do ANYTHING. After googling, reconnecting, downloading, resetting, reconnecting, downloading, swearing... I finaly came to the conclusion that she got a bum Ipod. After calling the Wally World that it was purchased at and dealing with a bitchy "customer service" lady, my friend (very luckily) found the recipt and drove 20 miles at 8:30pm to return this thing for a mp3 player with twice as much memory and all of the cool functions as the ipod for the same price. (would that be a run-on sentence?) The not bitchy manager mentioned that almost every ipod sold in the last 2 months had been returned.
SO she brings the NEW mp3 player over and while trying to hook it up to my not paid for yet laptop, I get... dadadadaaaa... THE BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. After trying to start in every mode possible (to me, not my husband), I gave up, plugged the thing into my desktop, got it going, ssllloooooowly closed the lid to my now possessed laptop (i'm so proud of myself for not throwing it out my window), grabbed my puppy chewed up remote control and commenced watching 2003 no limit texas hold'em.
It's like some bad Steven King movie, all of the electronics are ganging up on us, determined not to be slaves to us and make our lives a living hell with no outside communication, music, or mindless computer games. (cheesy B-movie horror scream!!!!)